
Xline stata
Xline stata

xline stata xline stata

Calculate nice numbers for labeling or drawing grid lines. Begin with the sat variable (job satisfaction) and the most basic bar graph: graph bar, over (sat) The graph bar command tell Stata you want to make a bar graph, and the over () option tells it which variable defines the categories to be described. Stata Results displays the output from your commands. yline(linearg), xline(linearg), and tline(time linearg) specify the y, x, and t (time) values where lines should be added to the plot. Lets load the hsbdemo dataset and overlay histograms for males and female for the variable write. That is, you cannot simply start with scatter. Note that for overlaying, at least command keyword twoway is required ( graph twoway is also possible). twoway scatter ccenrol lfpm lfit ccenrol lfpm. Stata tip 2: Building with floors and ceilings. The xtline command allows you to generate linear plots for panel data. There are two easy ways how overlaying can be achieved in Stata: twoway (scatter ccenrol lfpm) (lfit ccenrol lfpm) or, alternatively. Reload the page to see its updated state. In order to create the legend without the xline() dont call legend() directly, call it only on the graphics objects you want.

#Xline stata how to

There is a choice in there of 500 as a suitable step size subject-matter knowledge will often make that choice easy, or ambitious readers may wish to think how to automate a choice.Ĭox, N. Hello would be the label for the xline, was just showing how you might have the label or not. 2016 2 Overview Macros (local and global macros) Loops (foreach and forvalues) Tempvar Tempfile.

xline stata

See Cox (2003) for more on building with floors and ceilings. sysuse gnp96, clear Calculate growth of gnp gen growth log(gnp96) - log(L. Macro and Loop in Stata SOC 561 Programming for the Social Sciences Hyungjun Suh Mar. Here is an example: graph twoway (scatter growth2010 growth2000) (function y x, range( growth2000)) This will draw a line at a 45 degree angle, i.e. Other lines may be drawn by overlaying the graph with a function. Conversely, the call to floor() rounds to the nearest multiple of 500, but always to the same value or downwards. xline(3) Again, several values may be enclosed within the parentheses, producing several lines. 2009.Stata tip 82: Grounds for grids on graphs. scatter yvar year, xline(1944) xline(1989, lwidth(3)) Reference Cox, N. Thus different styles can be used for different lines on the same graph. Weight | 74 3019.459 777.1936 1760 4840The call to ceil() (think 'ceiling' if the function is new to you) rounds to the nearest multiple of 500, but always to the same value or upwards. Options yline() and xline() may be repeated, and each is executed separately.

Xline stata